Preparations Family Party Time While Spaghetti Cooked The Cake Before and After Other Photos
April 27th, 2001, was my mother's 90th birthday. I'm Chris, back row-right. Barbara, back-left, and Beverley,center, are my sisters. Here we are with Mother at the party. I was barefoot in this picture. You just never know what's going on behind the scenes, do you?
Barbara, Beverley, Chris and Mother
Beverley said, "Come on, let's hold hands, so people think we love
each other."
Barbara did the cooking for the party. She made spaghetti sauce. The fumes may have had a strange effect, but she was better later.
Barbara, with her son Scott and d-i-l Courtney
in the kitchen.
I spent the entire week before the party cleaning. Here is a picture of the living room, so I can remember what it looked like.
The week OF the party, I had to work. So Barbara and Carrie and Pat put the items they considered unnecessary to party decor on the floor in my computer room. Most of them didn't get broken.
Another instance of behind-the-scenes reality.
At any rate, the house got cleaned, the food got fixed, and the people who were staying at my house gathered on the front porch for a group shot before the guests started arriving.
Pat and Jim, top left, are Carrie's in-laws.
I'm in the center. I think I got there late, walked out the front door
into the middle of the group, that's why I'm in the middle.
My father-in-law, from Germany, is standing behind me.
Barbara, my sister, from North Carolina, is next.
And to the far right, that's Leni, my new mother-in-law.
Dieter is sitting on the step, holding Carrie's baby, Emmilie.
Carrie's eldest daughter, Alexa, is sitting beside them.
Preparations Family
Party Time While
Spaghetti Cooked The Cake
Before and After Other