This is me. I don't remember what was happening when this was taken. I think I look frightened.
Here's Barbara in the kitchen again.
Barbara kept turning out all the lights and lighting candles.
Pat kept turning the lights on again. I just watched.
Leni's dress is silk. After the wine incident, Dieter put it in the washing machine and then dried it on HOT. Pat S. and Leni took turns ironing it over the next two days.
Here are Papa and Leni (she has changed clothes by now) talking to Scott on the back porch. Scott looks amazed. God knows what he thinks Opa is telling him.
See that tongue in his cheek? My father (Scott's Opa) used to do that
when he didn't quite believe something was valid.
Here are Scott and Courtney. They've been married only a short time, but they are already beginning to look alike.
Scott is Barbara's son. Her daughter, Dee, couldn't come.
I am imagining Scott's comments upon seeing this picture. Ha again.
This is Barbara with Courtney.
Note the foil over the salad. When it was removed, Barbara discovered
somebody had already eaten some. I sure wish I had a picture of her reaction.
Carrie says, "If I didn't take pictures, this family wouldn't have any."
Maybe I'll learn to carry my camera someday.
This is my d-i-l Suzanne and our little Aidan. They were watching kids in the backyard, though I was paying a neighbor teenager to do it.
Suzanne is a witch. Can you tell?
I love her with my whole heart.
I've taught her everything she knows.
Preparations Family
Party Time While
Spaghetti Cooked The Cake
Before and After Other