Great Falls, Virginia

Spring, 2001

Sunday, May 27, one month after the big birthday bash, we took a little trip to Great Falls, Virginia. Two hours in the car. Dieter thinks that's fun.

I was the last one to the car. Dieter took a picture of me because I went back for my art supplies, and he thought that was funny.

It was one of those days when you kept hoping it wouldn't rain. When we got to Great Falls, the first thing we did was eat the lunch we had bought at Burger King.

Here we are trying to enjoy very cold Whoppers and rather warm cokes.  I was chilly and wanted to sit in the sun. Papa wanted to sit in the shade. This table was perfect for all of us.

I went to the car for my jacket after this picture was taken.

After an amazing thunder storm (didn't get it on film, unfortunately) the sun came out and it got warm. We went walking to the falls. I saw this log on the way and thought it was pretty.

I looked a little closer and here is what looked back at me. If you look very closely, you'll see him in the shot above, but he was still hiding.

People seldom believe what I see on my walks, so I'm glad I got a picture.

Here is what I saw when I got to the end of the path. There were people sitting all over the rocks.

Dieter and Leni headed right for the top.

Opa opted for a less proximal outlook.

I think the red flare is my ruby ring.

Dieter soon went back to join him and to snap pictures with Leni's camera.

Dieter even got a picture of me, climbing on the rocks.

And then I took one of Leni, in front of the Falls.

Mother had decided not to attempt the rock climbing. She had a good place to sit.

I climbed back up to the view of the falls again.

Mother was still waiting for us.

She said later she had been able to see a little of the water, but I think she made a wise choice not to try to climb it. I nearly broke myself a couple of times.

On the way back, we spotted some wild life.

Not that we have to leave home to do that.

We came home, ate salad and spinach and potatoes with cheese sauce, and hung out until bed time.

These pictures were taken with a $35 Protek digital camera. Saved at 60ppi and optimized for web in Photoshop. A few were corrected for brightness, but mostly they are about what came out of the camera.
